One is a Buddhist if he or she accepts the following four truths: All compounded things are impermanent. All emotions are pain. All things have…
One is a Buddhist if he or she accepts the following four truths: All compounded things are impermanent. All emotions are pain. All things have…
“I’ve been meditating for some time, but my mind seems just as chaotic and confused as when I started. Am I doing something wrong?” Almost…
DKR: Well, I think just tell the kids, “Hey, look, there’s something called ‘mind’—we are not like a machine. What you think, others don’t think;…
LIVING BY VOW by Dainin Katagiri Roshi In Buddhism a spiritual life requires the practice of taking a vow. Mahayana Buddhists take the vow of…
Here is a beautiful simple direct short teaching from Ponlop Rinpoche. It’s not so easy but it is simple. Great encouragement to practice. HOW CAN…
Here is a lovely article from Ezra Bayda in 2002 in Tricycle magazine. It describes the practice I am continuing to work with, with the…
A tour bus stops in front of my house and two dozen visitors disembark. They’ve come to view the 100-year-old Japanese garden in my backyard….
A friend invited me out to lunch one day and in the course of the meal offered the following confession: ‘‘I’ve been meditating for about…
You build inner strength through embracing the totality of your experience, both the delightful parts and the difficult parts. Embracing the totality of your experience…
“We could ask ourselves, ‘How do we move beyond a point of self-hatred?’ And the answer is just so simple: it’s by surrendering. And what…